It had to wait for one reason or another and has been sat waiting for body parts since December. I got it out again on monday evening and he was ecstatic. A bit of a round about way to interpret the prompt but hey ho. Anyway I was about to start on the arms but Max wasn't having any of it. Apparently it doesn't need any arms and all it needed was some buttons for eyes. Who am I to argue with him? If he doesn't want it to have arms then I certainly aren't going to spend an evening making them. If it doesn't need facial features then fair enough.
Kind of reminds me of the needlework project I did at school. I made a doll. God it was crap - no wonder I failed the GCSE but I saved the doll. Jenna loved it when she was little and when it's leg fell off she just renamed it pegleg.
Well I think your sock monster is cute xxx
Put the arm up a bit higher! Cute little guy!
That's its tail LOL
Different take on the prompt, I like it! He's adorable! Sock monsters are so much better then sock monkeys :D
Very creative!!!
Love it! So cute x
A sneaky sort of radiate but definitely a very cute sock monkey! I love that he loves it so much just the way it is!
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