Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Tilda Is A Cutie

Not the Magnolia Tilda although she is a massive cutie too.  The Tilda I recently discovered is this one by Tone Finnanger.

This one is a new release called Autumn Angel. The kit is definitely on my wish list for when I have some money.

This one is in a book I have and will be attempting it soon.

I treated myself to this kit with some money I got for my birthday.  Can't wait to get started on it once the kids are back at school and little fingers aren't involved in everything I do. Not sure I will manage the embroidery on the apron but everything else looks pretty straightforward. I'll get back to you on that though lol

1 comment:

Kiwi The Kreator said...

They're all SOO cute!!! Can't wait to see how you interpret them!!!