I discovered a fantastic inspiration blog a few days ago ~ Gutter Girlz Their ideas are just so different to anything I have seen before and I can definitely see myself looking out for their challenges in the future as they are so definitely me. This time it was
THE PROMPT:It's not all Roses
THE SONG:Rock Bottom by Eminem
PRODUCT/TECHNIQUE:PERFUME (visible or not it's not a big deal!!)
These fitted perfectly with my portable gas machine AKA Daisy the 11 month old labrador.

I used a Pink Paislee die cut sheet from the Spring Fling collection and hand cut the flowers from a different sheet in the same range. I've just noticed they look like horns and that isn't intentional oops. Journalling printed onto craft carstock. The Gas letters are from Studio Calico. I stapled some lace to the bottom and threaded the roses through the holes in the lace.