Monday, 24 October 2011

It's Orange

I found Project Alicia earlier today and there is currently an Autumn Colour Challenge.  This week it is ORANGE. 

In my haste to find some orange on our way to Asda I slipped the point and shoot into my bag and we walked through the park instead of our usual route.  However I didn't look at the point where 50% of the shot has to be orange but here are the ones I shot anyway.

A Sainsburys carrier bag - yes our park is a dump!

Some leaves

A gas pipeline sign

I figured that would be it but in some waste land just as we left the park there was a bush with orange berries. I have no idea what they are.

Then I had a look around our yard to see what orange we had


Marigolds that are now definitely on their last flowering.

The pumpkin we went to Asda for

and last but not least this made me smile this morning (Lucy the weather girl makes my husband smile every morning lol) She is colour co-ordinated to her map.


Anonymous said...

nice captures!

Light Trigger: OUR ENTRY

Saun said...

lovely series...

Satakieli said...

Great finds! Very creative.

(and shhh! but the 50% rule is more of a guideline than a rule!)

Thanks for taking part in the Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge, I hope you'll join us again next time for the colour red!

Anonymous said...

Really nice the weather report capture...