Wednesday, 28 December 2011

A To Z Of Discovery 2012

A couple of years ago a group of friends did a challenge to discover the alphabet.  We gave each letter of the alphabet a fortnight and went on a voyage of discovery of new things. We found and tried new (and old favourites) things from each letter in turn over the year.  I only managed a few letters though so have decided this year I am going to do it again by myself.  If anybody would like to join me along the journey that would be fantastic. I intend to do a fortnightly post on here dedicated to the particular letter I am discovering eg on 15th January I will do a post for the letter A and have a linky thingy so if anybody wants to play along they can link up their own blog post and share what they have discovered.

I'm looking forward to trying different foods, recipes, places, books, etc etc etc. There are so many things to discover starting with each letter.  I know certain ones are going to be more difficult than others - X for example but I'm up for giving it a go.

There are probably hundreds of A to Z challenges starting this week but if you want to play along for however long you wish you are more than welcome.

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