Thursday, 8 September 2011


For this week on Skywatch I've chosen to use one of the pictures of my little one on the climbing spider web thing in the park.

He is rather a daredevil 7 year old just at the moment and it is scary from a mummy point of view


Liz said...

That looks fun! Happy sky watching.

Liz @ A Simple Life

Jim said...

Fun shot.

Judy said...

I remember those days, when you had to applaud at the same time you were all tensed up, waiting to run to save her (mine are both female). I sometimes think I should apologize to my own mother...

Anonymous said...

I also remember wanting to save my daughter from the anticipated fall but also of being proud she would climb so high.
Up there he can be a pilot in a plane or a pirate in the crows nest,the world is his to survey,good job!

lotusleaf said...

Fun picture, full of action!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

AWESOME photo!! And thanks for the love on my PS post...excited to be with you all this month! :):):):):):):):):):):)

LindyLouMac said...

I have joined the Skywatch meme for the first time this week, calling by to visit you as another participant.

A clever sky photo to welcome me to your blog for the first time.

Jackie said...

Well he is having fun, but you mum...I can tell you it doesn't get any easier no matter how old they get. My son is 48 now, but he still gave me a scare earlier this year.
A photo to treasure in coming years.

Jackie said...

Well he is having fun...but you mum...I can tell you it doesn't get any easier. My son is now 48 but he still managed to scare the daylights out of me earlier this year.
A photo to treasure in coming years.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice photo.
