Wednesday 28 July 2010

Blackberry Spotting

I spotted these little beauties at the park the other day and couldn't resist using the hipstamatic app to give them this effect with no effort whatsoever.

We haven't really been out and about this week yet but now I know they are starting to ripen I think I will have to make sure I have a bag in my bag for just in case we spot any.  I haven't picked blackberries since I was a child.  We lived in a village where there were lots of fields and woodland nearby and I will always remember going to collect them. Lots of prickles, lots of scratches but lots of fun.  My mum used to make a small mountain of jam with our pickings not to mention all the crumbles and pies.  I want my kids to make a memory for themselves of similar things so I am on the lookout.  Maybe even strawberry picking too.

1 comment:

Don Wood said...

A few years back we went on a ramble with our church and picked some. I was most surprised that evening when the door bell went and a apple and blackberry crumble arrived complete with custard. OOOOOOO i CAN TASTE IT NOW. Have a good week. XXX Don