Tuesday, 15 March 2011


I think I must be getting old because I really want an allotment.

I put my name down on the waiting list a while ago but the list is so very long.

A friend of mine told me of some empty plots on the site where they have an allotment so I contacted the man in the know at the council who told me there will be some coming up there soon with a wait of months rather than years.  OK so it might be after the main growing season and will more than likely be totally overgrown with all kinds of undergrowth, weeds and god knows what else but I don't care.

So why do I want one.  I'll show you why

This is our outdoor space. We have no grass or soil just a yard with broken bits of tarmac and concrete and a few pots because that is all we have room for.  I want to be able to grow pretty flowers and organic fruit and vegetables.

Fingers crossed I will be able to start doing all that soon and next summer I will have some produce to show you.


Lizzie said...

I do hope you get your longed-for allotment very soon, Kerry! You could try growing strawberries in a hanging basket and potatoes in a large plastic tub (those big "fun tubs" with rope handles & a sticker with a picture of an elephant, that you get in the DIY shops), in the meantime? It would be a start... your own nice potatoes for dinner - yuuummm!

Beatnix said...

I'd love to get an allotment - our front "garden" is basically a very small concreted yard but we had a go last year at growing veg in pots. I even got one of those small blowaway greenhouses, and we had great success. Everything gets used from old bins and flower pots to (cough)Tesco trays(cough) that gets laft behind by the delivery driver when he's in a hurry.

Good luck with the allotment x

Miriam said...

Hi Kerry, visiting you from Shimelles BfS.
I hope you get your allotment soon, I have some friends who have one & they really love it! Thanks for the links on the forum. x

Mrsjobee said...

Would love a "lotty" too - will have to make do with a couple of raised beds in the back garden and recycling bags to grow spuds in!!