Thursday 31 March 2011


More blossom - I told you I love it!


Debbie said...

Those are beautiful. Ah, spring!
What kind of trees are those?

Mike's Travels said...

That's beautiful. It's a great time of year!

Steffi said...

Wow...this looks so beautiful!That´s a cherry tree?

Rajlakshmi said...

the blossoms look lovely

B i r g i t t a said...

Me too - I love the blossom!
Do you have this wonderful blossom now?

Kerry said...

Yes this blossom is on our local trees at the moment. It won't be there for long though. It was raining blossom today.

I'm not sure what type they are but I'm pretty sure they aren't cherries as I've never seen any berries on them.

Laura said...

exquisite...I am looking forward to blossoms here soon too!

From The Heart said...

Beautiful blossoms!I love spring.

forgetmenot said...

Beautiful blossoms for sure--don't you love Spring!!!! Mickie :)

syel said...

and i love it too! made me smile! :D

Cecilia Artista said...

Beautiful blossoms with wonderful colors!

Vinni said...

Lovely pic!

Joyful said...

Beautiful blooms :-)

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous blossoms. Happy skywatching, Kerry!

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous blossoms. Happy skywatching, Kerry!

Suzi Smith said...

you can't get too much blossom can you? lovely.